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  • Writer's pictureGeekly Gary

The Day Fantasy Football Died

I love retro gaming systems. I love inventing my own home brew concoctions. I love comics, but hate the movies based on my beloved comics. I love Game of Thrones. I love playing chess. I love Star Trek, but love Star Wars even more. And I absolutely, positively hate Jar Jar Binks. Not the intended version, but the produced version.

So yeah... I’ve never been great at sports. Okay, I’ve never even been decent at anything requiring even a little athletic ability. But I embraced it and just poured my heart into my “nerdy passions.” That is, until I discovered Fantasy Football. Sure, the hobby itself is still extremely nerdy if you want my honest opinion (which is probably why I like it), but it also opened the door to another world for me. I was finally able to relate to so many people that until this discovery, always seemed so alien to me. My high school buddies. My co-workers. Even my brother-in-law. Yes sir! Life was great.

I think I took to it at first because I’m a numbers guy. I’ve always loved creating my own analytics systems for different mundane things, and this was a new challenge. But I welcomed the hell out of it for all the aforementioned reasons. Finally, I would be able to bridge the canyon that lay between me and so many others. I mean, I was not only able to talk Football, but actually enjoyed watching it.

But then, it all came crashing down.

Anti-Americanism ruined the games spirit. Wokeness stole its soul. Covid put a bullet in it’s head. And it’s not like I can just move on to another sport. They’ve all followed suit. I mean, maybe hockey is hanging on by a thread, but not for long I fear. I mean, these scourges even infiltrated the collegiate level.

For now, I’m still in a Fantasy Football league, but I don’t know why. It’s not even fun anymore.

RIP, my social bridge.

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